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Infant Toddler Services of Kansas Serving Geary County Logo banner

Infant Toddler Services of Kansas Serving Geary County - Helping Families Thrive
Infant Toddler Services of Kansas serves families with children from birth to age three to provide early intervention for physical and intellectual developmental delays or disabilities. Trained and licensed early intervention professionals provide services by visiting the child in the home, at childcare, or other natural learning environments.

Along with professional expertise and advice, the licensed early interventionist coach the parents and caregivers in ways that they can help the child on a daily basis make progress toward developmental milestones.

This nationally recommended program is coordinated through the state of Kansas to provide these early intervention therapy services at no cost to families. 

Infant Toddler Services of Kansas Information

Sarah Whitney Headshot

Sarah Whitney
Early Childhood Special Education
Phone: 785-717-4130