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The Teaching and Learning Department is committed to develop, lead, and support all staff so that our students have the best possible learning experiences.  The T & L Team is responsible for the overall planning, implementation, and evaluation of the district’s instructional programs.   In support of those instructional programs, a priority is to provide high-quality professional learning so that staff is well-equipped to meet student needs.  Inherent in the planning and delivery of instruction is the belief that ALL students can learn and should be offered every opportunity to take their learning to the highest levels.

Debra Gustafson

Debra Gustafson

Associate Superintendent
Jennifer Black

Jennifer Black

Director of Elementary Education
Kate Stewart

Kate Stewart

Director of Secondary Education, Director of Library Media Services
Alicia Scofield

Alicia Scofield

Director of School Improvement
Heather Oentrich

Heather Oentrich

Director of Student Support Services
Sarah Joos

Sarah Joos

Program Manager/Title 1 Clerk
Linda Roberts

Linda Roberts

Executive Assistant to the Associate Superintendent

The Executive Assistant works each day to support the Associate Superintendent and the Teaching & Learning department including such things as setting up and recording minutes at administrator meetings, ordering supplies, making travel arrangements, support of district professional learning activities, and overseeing the work within the T & L department.