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The Special Education Department is provided for children with special needs who have an area of exceptionality that significantly impacts their ability to make progress in an educational setting.

The Individual with Disabilities Education Act assures that all students receive the same educational opportunities as all students. Some children and youth need additional specialized instruction to reach their full potential.  Geary County Schools USD 475 is committed to providing programs and services to children with exceptionalities to reach their potential for the future. USD 475 offers a continuum of programs and services that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual child. Each child is entitled to appropriate public education and the opportunity to succeed.

Important Resources

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Courtney Eichhorn

Courtney Eichhorn

Titles: Executive Director of Special Education
Brandi Calahan

Brandi Calahan

Titles: Assistant Director of Special Education
Nicole Nutter

Nicole Nutter

Titles: Special Education Admin Assistant
Blake Madsen-Davila

Blake Madsen-Davila

Titles: SPED Coordinator

Stephanie Waterman

Titles: Early Childhood Program Coordinator