Annual Asbestos Notice
In accordance with EPA regulations, all school buildings shown on the “2024 AHERA Re-inspection, List of Buildings/Outbuildings,” have been inspected for materials which contain asbestos and an Asbestos Management Plan has been developed and adopted. Please refer to the list to determine the type of asbestos containing materials (if any) at the schools your student(s) attend.
The district’s Asbestos Management Plan includes items such as; location of confirmed or assumed asbestos containing building materials (ACBM), periodic certified re-inspections, periodic six-month surveillance inspections, employee training, and proper disposal requirements. A copy of this plan is kept on site at each main school building containing ACBMs. In addition, a copy is also kept on file at the district office at 123 N. Eisenhower Road. The three-year accredited re-inspection required by the Environmental Protection Agency was conducted during the summer of 2024.
Friable (crumbled by hand pressure) asbestos containing materials may cause health problems if disturbed. As you can see on the notice, the amount of friable materials in district buildings are limited and are out of the normal reach of students and staff. Assumed materials MAY contain asbestos and are monitored closely to ensure they are not disturbed. Please be assured that USD 475 will continue to take considerable care to protect the safety of our staff and student(s).
For more information on the district’s Asbestos Management Plan, please contact: